A space to display my handmade cards and crafts!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Major panic attack!!

Wow....it's been a crazy week!  I have not gotten ANY crafting done for two big reasons.  First, I have been working late nights with my basketball team in the playoffs.  Most important, and definitely most SCARY, was the fact that I LOST my flash drive with ALL of my thousands of SVG, MTC, JPG files, etc.  WHAAAAAA?? 

This flash drive had not only free files that I downloaded, but many, many that I had purchased from my fave SVG websites.  I searched everywhere for this thing the last two days, when I actually had projects to do and a little time to do them.  Finally, this morning, after scouring the house, I looked out in my car, and there it was, lying on the seat where I had my computer bag when I left my boyfriend's Monday.  Apparently there is a huge hole in the small pocket where I put the thing when I left his place Monday, and thank God it fell out in my car!!  I am going to Best Buy TODAY to get a new one and copy everything on to a new one for a back-up.

So, has anyone else ever had this panic, and thought they lost all of their files???  UGH!!  Anyway, I hope to be making something tonight because I have lots of birthdays coming up in the next week or two.  Hope everyone has had a great week!!


  1. Kim,
    WOW, good thing you found it. I have just recently lost all of my embroidery files, pics, and everything else from my laptop that just died last week (without any notice that he was even sick). I got it to turn on, but all I saw was a blue screen. I couldn't acces anything. I was SO mad, still am. Hubby went out and got me an external drive for our other laptop, which is good now, but won't help with my other files.
    I know exactly how you feel and the panic you must of been in
    Glad it all worked out for ya

  2. HI Kim, thank goodness you found it!!!

  3. OMG ~ Kim, I think I would have a meltdown!!! I also have mine on a flash drive but after reading this I think I am going to back it up to our external hard drive. I cannot imaging losing everything!! I am so glad you found it. I cannot wait to see what you create! Have a happy and fun weekend creating. Melissa :)

  4. I'm glad you found it! My husband backs up my stuff fairly frequently, but I'd still be likely to lose some things if my computer crashed and I'd freak too!


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